Evaluation: Question 1.
Evaluation: Question 2
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Evaluation: Question 4
- 4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Planning our evaluation
Instead of just writing our evaluation questions straight away.
These are the bullet points we came up with for each question:
These are the bullet points we came up with for each question:
How does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
· Actual conventions of the genre of your film
· Similarities we used of the genre
· Differences we used of the genre
· Why your genre is difficult/easy to create
· What films inspired you and why
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
· How they create excitement for the film
· How it shows whom the audience is and how we can tell they are the audience through our products (Age group and also say another audience group is people who may like gang movies or whatever.)
· How genre is shown through the magazine and film poster
What have you learned from your audience feedback?
· What you changed on the poster/magazine prior to what people said about it
· Quote comments people said you could improve and show how you used their comments to improve your work
· If your product is successful or unsuccessful prior to the feedback you get
How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
What programs you used and how they helped. Let me list some to help you J:
· Apple Mac
· Premier Pro
· Photoshop
· Video Camera
· Tripod
· Voice Recorder
· Microphone
· Lights
· Blogger
· Google/Wikipedia
· Other websites you used
· Microsoft Word/Powerpoint
The Sequences of our Magazine Cover
Making our magazine was a fun process. we had to remember to add conventions of a magazine cover for example: the barcode, the date, the magazine website and a tagline.
Magazine Cover Options
This are the pictures we took for a magazine front cover. Our original concept was to have Alan surrounded by loads of clothes make-up, bags, shoes. However therefore was noway of positioning the items around him, so we had to place them on the floor with him sitting amongst them. After taking a few shots we deiced it really want working with him sitting down on the floor, also we hadn't seen many magazine covers that incorporated this idea of the person sitting down on the ground.
We asked our character Alan to dress in his gangster clothes: Hoody, Dark clothes, Trainners and a hat so that we were staying true to his characters and values.
Creating Our Anciliary Task - Film Poster
This was our first draft of our ancillary tasks - the film poster. We felt the poster had too much white space and it wasn't very appealing to the audience. However we felt that the eyes were a successful dominant on the poster and we wanted to still keep the same kind of theme of the pink writing.
We chose the font Chalkduster after scrolling through many others because we felt it linked to the themes of our play. We also decided that our poster could contain more text.
We added a tag line to our poster, Blossom into a beauty, to take up more space and provide more information on the film. We also felt the tagline would help make the poster more catchy We had to change the plot of our movie, so we also had to change the title of our play from Petal's Fury to Petal's Fury - The Life of Alan. We also placed the eyes in-between the tittle as we felt this was more catchy and effective.
Finally we added petals to out poster to further link the themes of our play to our poster.
Creating Our Poster
As a group we decided it would be best if we spilt into pairs and worked on one ancillary project per pair, this way we would finish our project on time. Ancillary text one was a film magazine cover, this would be completed by Dilan and Abisola. For ancillary task text two we had to chose between a film poster or a website homepage, this project we be taken on by Chris and Sara. We chose a film poster because we had more experience with film posters than website homepages, as posters are more common.
To start off with we looked at a variety of film posters to see how they are laid out and what they contain. However, to make our poster more successful we had to narrow our film poster research down to just comedy posters to fit in with the theme of our film. Here are a couple of examples we looked at:

To start off with we looked at a variety of film posters to see how they are laid out and what they contain. However, to make our poster more successful we had to narrow our film poster research down to just comedy posters to fit in with the theme of our film. Here are a couple of examples we looked at:
- How to Lose Friends and Alienate People - this poster inspired us by the layout of text, we liked the way the production credits, logo and film website was set out. We used this poster as a stimuli for our own and then decided what logo's we wanted to use.

As a group we came up with a selection of four different tag lines for our poster, but because we found it so difficult to pick one we left it to a pick to chance and picked one out of a hat. Luckily we all liked the chosen tag line. The selections that we had were:
- Don't let your mascara run
- I can see it in your eyes
- From rags to drags
- Blossom into a beauty <--Chosen tagline!
During class, we got a chance to see previous students anciliary tasks and teaser trailers. One item we looked at was a poster for the film We got the idea of using eyes as the main focus of the poster from a previous students poster for their teaser trailer called "Redemption". We thought the eyes would be a really good focus and would grab the audience's attention.
The four logo's we choose were:
- Universal
- UK Film council
- Working title
However our teacher informed us that the universal logo and the UK film council association would not be associated together so we changed Universal to Studio Canal. We followed a theme of black and white coloured logo's.
In the end we couldn't decide between 'blossom into a beauty' and 'Don't let your mascara run' so we left it to a vote.
We was unsure about what to include in the production credits so we google'd 'production credits' and used this image as our guide, changing the names to make it relevant to our film.
We was unsure about what to include in the production credits so we google'd 'production credits' and used this image as our guide, changing the names to make it relevant to our film.
Petals Fury - The Movie
Our story is based around Alan Fury, a 'normal' boy who hangs around street corners with, has a few asbo's and acts like a gangster, in other words he is a stereotypical teenage boy.
One day Alan and his friends decide that they are tired of they're usual day to day routine of hanging around on streets and smoking, and as a result they decide to explore different 'ends' which happens to be convent garden.
In convent Garden a street performer catches Alan's eyes and a spark starts in his heart, he is inspired by what this street performer is doing and decides that he too wants to perform for others and inspire them the way he had become inspired.
He searches online for different kind of performing techniques and what others do to see which one he is most interested in, at first he explores a few other ideas, first he tries out juggling but after dropping the cricket balls on his head a few times and getting concussion he decides that, that is not the type of performing for him..
Secondly he tries fire breathing but after burning his mouth he decides that maybe that isn't such a good idea either..
Finally he comes across drag queens, and after reading about what they do and how they dress up as girls he decides that, this is a sign as, as a child his sister would dress him up and make him sing and dance.
So he secretly starts to sing and dance where he has near misses of being caught by his girlfriend, family and friends.
After a while he decides to start creating video blogs on youtube to track his development, gradually he starts to develop fans and supporters which helps in grow in confidence and know that this is what he wants to do as a career.
However his luck takes a fall when his friends see the videos that he had been uploading and they decide that it is unacceptable as it not only gives Alan a bad name but them a bad name also being his friends. They tell his girlfriend who breaks up with him and his family also doesn't take it lightly and become quite concerned. The only support he receives is from his gay brother who is going through a similar situation.
After a few days of deciding that he has stop what he was doing he gets contacted by two of his idols Perez Hilton and Johnny Robinson from the X-factor who both notice that he had stopped uploading videos, they talk to him and persuade him to carry on with his journey, as a result of their support Alan grows stronger and becomes ever more determined to become a success and works harder.
His hard work pays off and he becomes successful, he gains the acceptance that he desired from his family but also from society, yet his friends now angry with jealousy become corrupted by the urge to take Alan down start plotting against him.
At one of his shows where there are hundreds watching, they attack him only to be stopped by police and the public after causing him severe injuries as a result Alan is put into intensive care where everyone around the world hopes for the best for him, during intensive care Alan dreams that he is floating on a cloud where he can hear crowds chanting his name he seems soothed by this sound, however in reality his heart has stopped and he has passed away.
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