
Bridesmaids falls under the genre inverted 'Unruly females' Comedy. This is proving to be a very popular genre. Its makes a lot of money and and doesn't need the big budgets or well established stars, as long as the film can generate humour there is a high chance of success. 

As soon as the Bridesmaid trailer starts the music is an upbeat tempo, you already get the feeling that film is funny and will make you smile. Its bright and the narrative has pace, the action moves along quickly and logically. It engages the audience with the witty dialogues and clever and insightful uses of comedy. 
The first scene sets the storyline of the film, someone is getting married and she asks who you assume to be her best friend (to be her maid of honour(. However the maid of honour seems to be unreliable and spontaneous.  The music is synchronised with clip, at some particular lines the music either stops or the volume is reduced so that you hear the jokes and concentrate fully on the scene at hand. 

They use the characters dialogue as voice-overs: telling us what is happening in the scenes and the main story plot. Some of the funniest scenes from the film are shown to lure in audience. It shows us potential problems that will arise within the film : The fact that being chief bride maid involves a lot of work. And she maybe a little bit jealous that her friend is getting married. There isn't a dull moment. Each scene builds up momentum and the final scene leaves the trailer at a hang-over. The clips also follow the order of the film.

 It features stereotypical characters to appeal to the audience but also features unsterotypical characters that go over the boundaries of film. This is enticing and would attract a wider audience for the film. The trailer doesn't give away the whole storyline of the film. It introduces the main characters of the film, so that you are familiar with them if you were to go and see the film.If well established actors and actresses are in the film they usually show there names, which they did for Bad Teacher, which featured: Cameron Diaz, Justin Timberlake and Jason Segal.  However their aren't alot of established character within this film so they used quotes from the positive reviews they received. Some audience members may also go to see the movie prior to the reviews they've read in the newspaper.

To add more of a buzz to the film, they added a clip saying 'From the producers of Knocked up and The 40 year old virgin'. Both of these films were very successful. they are trying to make an association that if you liked those films then you will like this film. 

1 comment:

  1. I saw the preview of this movie and liked it. But when I saw the movie it was hilarious and just beyond my expectations. I loved it.
    Watch Bridesmaids
