Toy Story 3 - Teaser Trailer

Above is the link to the teaser trailer of Toy Story 3, as you can see there is no actual content of what happens in the film, all there is is an iontroduction to all of the characters, who seem to be building something which is like a reflection of to the build of the actual film which creates excitement, you don't see the characters actually saying anything about the film, which work for this film as it is a huge Disney film, and the target audience of the film is actually people who know the film and they know the franchise and who already love it, so they didn't actuallyu need any content.
That is why we used video diaries with verbal content of what they should expect from the film so that the target audience gets some idea of what will happen, otherwise the whole trailer would have had no relevance to anything and would not even been classified as a trailer.

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