Anuvahood and Role Models (Dilan Kulekci)

Anuvahood – Teaser Trailer

The trailer begins in the same way as any other trailer, with the ‘certification of the trailer’ followed by a few companies logos who had input in producing the film, carried on with the action and content of the movie ending and finally ending with the title of the film and the names of the actors and directors. So the overall format of the trailer is pretty basic.

The very beginning of the actual content of the trailer begins with jump cuts, cutting from various scenes to create maximum impact to the audience by actually showing the whole of the film but in a quick up process. This way it doesn’t give too much away about the film. For the obvious reason that if they give away too much about the film then the viewer feel as if that they have watched the film already before hand and not actually go onto watch the film at the cinema. The viewer of the trailer stays fascinated by the trailer and is persuaded to watch more about it as the jump cuts achieve its aim of not giving away too much.

The first transition that is used in the trailer is to cut away from one scene to the other, however it isn’t just a basic cut away as it has been edited so the one scene appears to be pushing the other scene out of the way therefore creating a subliminal idea of a rebellious child, which again represents what the viewer may expect from the film.

The titles, which are used in between the scene’s are not supported by a narrator reading them out to the audience and they pass away quite quickly. Unlike the trailer of Anuvahood our titles will be narrated to create a contrast to many typical trailers around which have no narration to their titles. My personal opinion about the titles in the trailer, are that even though they are bright, colourful and eye catching, they are slightly out of place within the trailer as a whole. They are relevant but this doesn’t seem to justice the fact that appear to have been put in the trailer so that the trailer itself carried out classic trailer conventions.

The trailer was successful in aspects of selling itself to the audience and attracting the audiences attention, I also believe that the fast pace which was used to show the scenes was also ingenious as it showed you what was going but as it went past quite quickly it left you unsure of what you actually saw, leaving the audience wanting to know more therefore persuading you to watch the film.

The song which you hear in the background at the beginning of the trailer is a very good choice of song as it reflected the whole concept of the film really well, as the song sounds quite ridiculous, funny and energetic, the fast pace also matches the speed of the trailer. However the second choice of song is also just as great as even though the speed of the song is much slower than the first the lyrics this time reflect what the film is about. In our own teaser trailer we are also going to use a song in the background with some dialogue on top of the song. However unlike the trailer in another hood we are only going to use the one song.

The songs in the background are actually examples of non-diegetic sound, whereas the dialogue, are all examples of diegetic sound. When you listen to the dialogue it clearly tells you the whole story in a very brief manner, which is also the same as the scenes, which have been put together. This tells us that trailer is in linear order.

The sharp pace of the half a dozen snippets at the very beginning I believe was the most successful part of the teaser trailer as it gave you some idea about what was going on with the film but because you only saw a couple of seconds of each of the snippets it could only leave you interested and didn’t actually give you any information. Even though it was quite clever it is also quite a common factor that is used in trailers therefore we won’t be doing something similar to this in order to challenge classic conventions seen in teaser trailer. Yet we will also use little short scenes from our film, in order to give the audience of what will be going on in our film.

Role Models – Trailer

The Role Models trailer also begins with the ‘certification of the trailer, and has a very similar overall layout to the trailer of Anuvahood, however as it is a full length trailer you see longer lengths of the content which may be in the film, and the pace is slightly slower.

The very beginning of the trailer unlike the previous trailer begins with an actual scene and a conversation between the two main characters. Whereas in the previous trailer they had the quick fast paced little shots, and only after these snippets were over that trailer showed content of the movie with the main characters having a conversation. This trailer is also in linear order as it shows the content of the movie in the trailer in the order that it would appear in, in the actual movie.

The scenes use basic cuts to go through the different scenes that will appear in the trailer, however some of the scenes push another scene to the side. Which is also again similar to the previous trailer. However the Role Models trailer in general reveals more about the film then the teaser trailer, as the scenes used are much longer and detailed when supported by the titles which are put in between the various shots of the scenes.

The trailer uses both diegetic and non-diegeticAnuvahood trailer which only had 2. Although I think that the first song’s tempo is not fast enough paced for a comedy movie trailer, I can understand the reason behind for them choosing it, as it still has a slight ‘skip’ in its beat and that it is obvious that it was used to set the whole tone of the trailer as if setting the tone of the actual movie. Also this sound is still used when the first character is being introduced to the audience. On the other when the second character is introduced the same music is still being used however, the beat gets slightly faster and a base guitar sound is also added, reflecting on the character telling us that this character is the cool character, which is into his fun and everyone adores. After the car crashes the whole music comes to a pause and we only hear diegetic sound of the crash, once the sound of the crash is dismissed a whole new soundtrack appears up beat and quite jokey fun and exciting, letting us know what the whole movie overall is actually about. The pauses of sound are commonly used to enhance certain scenes to show that they have importance.

I believe that the trailer over all is quite successful as it does attract the audiences attention and when you watch it you do want to watch it, however I also believe that trailer gives away too much about the film, and this may put off some of the people who watch the trailer as this may lead them to believe that they already know enough the film so there is no actual point of them watching it.