Bad Teacher - Deconstruction

When the trailer begins the 'certification of the trailer' appears on the screen, followed by a few companies logos who had an input with funding and distributing the film. then the music starts, at first it is just a beat, its low so you can still hear the dialogue between the characters. the first scene presents the female lead. you already get a feel for her personality: she's oblivious of her surroundings and the people around her, she isn't aware of the date and is avoiding going to school. straight away lots of people will have an instant connection to her character. She gets cut off halfway through her dialogue because she is about to swear. Then the fun and upbeat music begins. This illustrates that the film is happy, funny. The music and the still slides are synchronised with the storyline. however it still doesn't give away the whole storyline of the film. They use another character from the voice the voice-over. they use this technique a lot. You now begin to get a feel of the storyline. The songs in the background are actually examples of non-diegetic sound, whereas the dialogue, are all examples of diegetic sound. When you listen to the dialogue it clearly tells you the whole story in a very brief manner, which is also the same as the scenes, which have been put together. This tells us that trailer is in linear order.The still slides have puns on them, for example: ' Some Teachers don't give a F' this plays on the swear word and the grade 'F' that student can get. in my personal opinion the theme of the slides don't match film. the text within them are however perfect for the film. the lighting of the film is bright.

You starts to see allies and the enemy. You also begin to see the plot of the film. that cameron Diaz is trying to save money so that she can afford breast implants, because a new teacher has arrived and catches her eye.  there is also anther suiter in the picture. There are many long shots and medium shots to illustrate the film. there isn't a lot of close up because in a film like the emotion doesn't play a big impact on the storyline. 
the end of the trailer ends with the film naming the three bigs star. Cameron Diaz, Justin Timberlake and Jason Segel. this means that the distributers are relying heavily on there selling impact to attract a big audience. The trailer was successful in aspects of selling itself to the audience and attracting the audiences attentionThe medium pace that was used  leave the audience wanting to know more therefore persuading you to watch the film. to make the film seem very funny, they are using some the the funnier scenes. these are put in-between the slides toward the end of the film. like the last scene you view ' Hold my balls'. There are a lot of innuendos within the film because the certificate of the film is 12. however some of the jokes i feel are really pushing. the film should have a 15 certificate.

1 comment:

  1. Its a nice film but is not executed in right way. Overall the potential of this movie was wasted and beside all these things I liked it.
    Bad Teacher Photo
